About Primitive Baptists


PRIMITIVE BAPTIST   The name Primitive means original or first of a kind.  It is one of many names the church has been called since it was established by Jesus during his earthly ministry (Mat 16:18). Other names through history have been Christians (Acts 11:26), Donatists, Waldenses, Albigenses, Anabaptists, Novations, Lollards and others.  The name Primitive was first used in the early 1830’s when a major division came in the Baptist family.  One group advocated a general atonement with salvation by the work of Christ plus some type of action required by the sinner.  This group of Baptists came to be known as New School or Missionary Baptists.  The other group continued holding steadfastly to the doctrine of Particular Atonement with salvation of sinners entirely by the grace of God through the shed blood of Jesus Christ.  This group came to be known as  Old School  or Primitive Baptists.  Therefore, the word Primitive denotes the desire to maintain the identity of the Lord’s church as he established it and gave it to His disciples.

THE CHURCH   The church was established by Jesus Christ (Mat 16:18) to be a home (on earth) away from home (Heaven) for God’s children.  It is a refuge or sanctuary where one may receive spiritual comfort, rest and peace and instruction in righteousness.

PURPOSE OF THE GOSPEL   The gospel was never designed to bring eternal life to anyone.  It means nothing to the unsaved sinner, but it is good news and glad tidings to the born-again child of God.  Therefore, it should be preached to feed the souls of God’s children, to comfort and edify and instruct them.  There is no greater message to a child of God that feels himself to be poor and needy and unworthy of God’s rich mercy and grace than to hear the gospel of his salvation.   The gospel announces that Christ has paid the sinner’s debt and saved him from his sins and has preserved him blameless (Isa 40:1, 52:7, Eph 4:11-12, 2Tim 1:9-10, Joh 21:15-17, Acts 20:28, 1Pet 5:1-2).

THE SCRIPTURES   We believe the scriptures of the Old and New testaments are inspired of God (2Tim 3:16, 2Pet 1:20-21) without error or contradiction and are preserved (Psa 12:6-7, Prov 30:5-6).  We also believe the King James translation of the Bible is the true and proper translation of the scriptures.  The purpose of the scriptures is to make God’s children wise unto Salvation by informing and educating them about their eternal salvation from sin by the finished and perfect work of Jesus Christ.  We believe the scriptures are a thorough furnisher unto all good works (2Tim 3:14-17).


The Fall of Man Resulting in Man’s Total Depravity   When Adam transgressed God’s law, he and all the human race died as they fell under the law of sin and death.  This act did not result in sickness or injury but in death and separation from God.  Therefore man became incapable of recovering himself from this fallen condition by his own will or ability (Gen 2:17, Psa 14:1, 58:3-5, Rom 3:9-18, 5:12).

Unconditional Election and Predestination   This wonderful doctrine teaches that God, according to His own good purpose and will, chose an innumerable people in Christ Jesus, out of every kindred and tongue and people and nation, and He predestinated them unto the adoption of children, to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ, and to obtain an eternal inheritance in heaven (Eph 1:4-11, 1Pet 1:1-5, Rom 8:29-30, Rev 5:9).

Regeneration, New Birth, Being Born Again   These different terms define what happens when God quickens one of His children into eternal life.  We believe this is done by the life-giving voice of Jesus Christ and is ALWAYS effectual and irresistible on the part of the recipient.  This is done separate and apart from the preaching of the gospel and without any aid of man to bring it to pass (Joh 3:6-8, 5:25, 6:36, Rom 8:30, Eph 2:1, 2Tim 1:9)

The Work of Redemption   The word ‘redeem’ means to purchase with a price and indicates prior ownership of that which is to be redeemed.  The price of eternal redemption was the blood of Christ, and those He redeemed were His by covenant before the world was.  All Christ died for WILL live in heaven because the sin-debt was paid, and the righteousness of Christ was imputed unto His family (Heb 9:12, 10:17-18, 1Cor 1:30, 2Cor 5:21)

Preservation of the Saints, or Eternal Security   This comforting and assuring aspect of salvation by grace teaches that ALL that Jesus Christ redeemed will be eternally saved without the loss of one!  They shall never perish, be cast out, be separated from the love of Christ nor be plucked out of the hand of God.  They are preserved in the blood of Christ and kept by His power (Joh 6:37-39, 10:27-30, Rom 8:28-39, 1Pet 1:1-5, Heb 10:14, Jude 1).

PRACTICE OF THE CHURCH   We believe that every Child of God when born again should follow the teachings of the New Testament, including submitting to water baptism and walking in obedience, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts and living soberly, righteously and godly in this present world.  We believe that a comfort, or “time salvation”, is given to the child of God who does this, but our eternal salvation is not dependent upon our works of obedience or disobedience, but is only made sure in the completed work of Jesus Christ (Titus 2:12, 2Cor 5:14-15, 1Pet 2:9, Rom 6:1-2, John 19:30).

FAMILY WORSHIP   We maintain that the family is a sacred institution established by God. We believe families should worship together both publicly and in their homes by prayer and the study of God’s word. The preaching of the Gospel is to the young and the old.  Jesus preached to people of all ages as a group, and the Gospel, when preached in the Spirit, will feed both the old and young alike, without division into age groups which has no scriptural authority.

IN CONCLUSION  We believe the church has an identity that is found in the New Testament. Furthermore, we believe God’s children should worship Him in spirit and truth and they should believe and observe the doctrine and commandments of Jesus Christ. This will bring a peace that passes all understanding and a joy that is unspeakable and full of glory to the child of God that walks in the truths of the Lord (Joh 4:23, Phil 4:7, 1Pet 1:8).

We invite you to visit us to discover more about God’s Amazing Grace in saving sinners and the joy that is yours to enjoy as we live here and serve a risen, reigning, victorious Savior, Jesus Christ the Lord.