Got a Vision!

A lot of companies, and even individuals, have vision statements.  A vision statement is typically a sentence that captures the company’s direction and indicates what the company wants to become or where the company wants to bythoumyvisionlyricsgo in its future and growth.

Do you have a vision statement?  What does it say about the direction that you want to go or the personal growth you want to achieve?  What is the basis of your personal vision statement?

God’s word says that, “Where there is no vision, the people perish….” Prov. 29:18a.  Certainly that is an absolute truth.  If you have no vision, there will be no growth.  If an organization has no vision, there will be no success.  If a church fails to realized its Vision, it will certainly perish.

But what about the converse of that truth?   Where there IS a vision?  Just as we can arrive at the conclusion of the result of not having a vision, certainly we can see hope and expectation when we do have a vision.  Where there is a vision, the people prosper.  The organization grows.  The church thrives!

There is a story of vision that I have always loved to hear.  I relate it here to highlight the truth and importance of having Christ as our Vision.  As an individual believer or as a Christ-centered organization or as a church which loves the Lord, nothing — not a thing — is too hard for your King.  Nothing.  That is a promising and hopeful vision for direction and growth!

A rural Primitive Baptist Church in Tennessee has a very wonderful history.  At one point in its existence, the church had gone down to only two members, Sisters Alice Pettus and Stockley Pettus. For years, these two faithful and devoted sisters would meet on the steps of the church on Sunday mornings where they would sing praises to God and petition Him to send revival to their little church.  The Lord heard and He answered their prayerful petitions and He did send send revival.  Over a period of time pastoral care was provided and the membership grew to over 50 members and the church was blessed to continue with worship services every Sunday.

That, my friends, is a story of hope, of encouragement, and of faith.  Quite honestly, it is a story of realized vision.

Have you got a Vision?

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